
This hook must not be used to render the results grid, the results grid must always be rendered by using the Results component.


The useResults hook exposes data for results and result stats.

This can be useful for calculating information from the current results, such as a list of all the collections found in the results.


The loading field is used to determine if results are currently loading, this is true on first load and will change between true and false as filters, sort options and pagination changes.

The results field is an array of the results for the current query.

The resultStats field contains metadata about the current query, such as total results, current page, total pages and more.

import React from "react";
import { useResults, ElasticDocumentType } from "@usereactify/search";

export const ExampleHookUseResults: React.FC = () => {
  const resultsHook = useResults();

  const collections = resultsHook.results
    .map((result) => {
      if (result.type === ElasticDocumentType.Product) {
        return result.collections;

      return [];
      (item, index, self) =>
        self.findIndex((itemNested) => itemNested?.id === item?.id) === index

  return (
      { => (
          <a href={`/collections/${collection?.handle}`}>{collection?.title}</a>


(): {
  /** Equals true until first load has completed */
  loading: boolean;
  /** All of the current results */
  results: ReactivesearchResultProps["data"];
  /** Function for setting the current results */
  setResults: React.Dispatch<
  /** All of the current result stats */
  resultStats?: ReactivesearchResultProps["resultStats"];
  /** Function for setting the current result stats */
  setResultStats: React.Dispatch<
    React.SetStateAction<ReactivesearchResultProps["resultStats"] | undefined>

Result = ResultProduct | ResultCallout;

ResultProduct = {
  type: "product";
  id: number;
  storefrontId: string;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  vendor: string;
  product_type: string;
  handle: string;
  url: string;
  tags: Array<string>;
  collection_titles: Array<string>;
  price_min: number;
  price_max: number;
  options: Array<string>;
  status: "active" | "archived" | "draft";
  published: boolean;
  published_at: Maybe<string>;
  updated_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  tracks_inventory: boolean;
  image: Maybe<string>;
  images?: Array<ResultProductImage>;
  variants?: Array<ResultProductVariant>;
  presentment_price_ranges?: {
    min_variant_price: Array<{
      amount: number;
      currency_code: string;
    max_variant_price: Array<{
      amount: number;
      currency_code: string;
  variant_skus?: Array<string>;
  variant_options?: Array<string>;
  collections?: Array<{
    id: number;
    storefrontId: string;
    handle: string;
    title: string;
    position: number;
  metafields?: Array<{
    key: string;
    type: string;
    value: string;
    namespace: string;
    value_type: "BOOLEAN" | "INTEGER" | "JSON_STRING" | "STRING";
  discount_amount?: number;
  inventory_total?: number;
  published_days: Maybe<number>;
  curations?: Array<{
    id: string;
    hidden: boolean;
    position?: number;
    searchTerm?: string;
    collectionHandle?: string;
  related?: Array<ResultProduct>;
  [key: `tags_${string}`]: Array<string> | undefined;

ResultProductVariant = {
  id: number;
  storefrontId: string;
  title: string;
  sku: Maybe<string>;
  barcode: Maybe<string>;
  presentment_prices?: Array<{
    price: {
      amount: number;
      currency_code: string;
    compare_at_price: Maybe<{
      amount: number;
      currency_code: string;
  price: number;
  compare_at_price: Maybe<number>;
  option1: Maybe<string>;
  option2: Maybe<string>;
  option3: Maybe<string>;
  position: number;
  inventory_policy: "CONTINUE" | "DENY";
  inventory_quantity: number;
  available: boolean;
  images?: Array<ResultProductImage>;

ResultProductImage = {
  src: string;
  alt: Maybe<string>;

ResultCallout = {
  type: "callout";
  key: string;
  callout: {
    id: string;
    type: "standard" | "filler";
    link: string;
    links: Array<Link>;
    title: string;
    content: string;
    textColor: string;
    keywords: Array<string>;
    mobileImage: string;
    mobileVideo: string;
    desktopVideo: string;
    desktopImage: string;
    backgroundColor: string;
    visibility: "desktop" | "mobile" | "all";
    displayColumns: string; // @todo this should be a number
    displayRows: string; // @todo this should be a number
    selectedDates?: {
      end: string;
      start: string;
  /** callouts are always published */
  published: true;
  /** callouts are always attached to one curation */
  curations: Array<ElasticCuration>;

ResultStats = {
  time: number;
  hidden: number;
  promoted: number;
  currentPage: number;
  numberOfPages: number;
  numberOfResults?: number;
  displayedResults: number;

Last updated

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